

Cryoserver is a powerful email management software designed specifically for businesses that need secure and efficient communication. With Cryoserver, you can easily send, receive, and store emails while ensuring that sensitive information is protected from unauthorised access.
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About Cryoserver

The platform offers features like encryption, secure archiving, and easy retrieval of important messages, making it ideal for organisations that prioritise data security. Cryoserver’s user-friendly interface simplifies email management, allowing your team to focus on their work without worrying about email-related issues. Choose Cryoserver to enhance your business communication and keep your data safe.

IT Managed is your IT department. We are an IT support and managed security services provider based in North West England. We provide outsourced services to businesses throughout the UK.


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Cryoserver is a powerful email management software designed specifically for businesses that need secure and efficient communication. With Cryoserver, you can easily send, receive, and store emails while ensuring that sensitive information is protected from unauthorised access.