Compliments and Complaint Handling Policy 

Goals of the Policy 

We value both compliments and complaints as they help us improve our products, services, and customer service. 

This policy is designed to assist both customers and staff. We are committed to consistent, fair, and confidential handling of compliments and complaints, aiming to resolve issues as quickly as possible. We strive to make it easy for individuals to provide feedback, whether positive or negative, and we treat all customers equally. 

Our compliments and complaint handling policy and procedure will be displayed in our business premises for customers to view. 

Definition of a Complaint 

A complaint is defined as any expression of dissatisfaction or grievance made to staff by a customer or member of the public in relation to our business. 

Definition of a Compliment 

A compliment is defined as any expression of satisfaction or praise made to staff by a customer or member of the public in relation to our business. 

Recording Complaints and Compliments 

When recording a complaint or compliment, staff will note the name and contact details of the customer, as well as full details of the feedback, including the date. All communications with the customer and any actions taken to resolve a complaint will be documented in the same place. 

Recorded complaints and compliments will be reviewed by the senior managers for any ongoing trends, and efforts will be made to resolve any recurring issues or to recognise and reinforce positive feedback. 

Customers’ personal details or details of their feedback will not be disclosed to third parties without their written consent. 

Informing Customers of Progress 

We aim to resolve all complaints within 10 working days. Written complaints will be acknowledged promptly. 

Customers will be given an approximate timeframe when they make their complaint and will be regularly informed of the progress, especially if there are any delays or changes to the agreed resolution. 

Customers will be informed of any changes to our products or services resulting from their complaint. 

Where appropriate, customers who have had a complaint resolved will be contacted at a later date to ensure they are satisfied with how their complaint was handled. 

Responding to Complaints and Compliments 

All individuals providing feedback will be treated with courtesy. Products under warranty will be replaced by either the same make and model whenever possible but in the absence of this a similar replacement product will be provided having the same or better performance than the original. 

If the complaint cannot be resolved immediately, the customer will be given a timeframe and details of our complaint handling process. We are happy to resolve a complaint via email, in person, telephone, letter. 

Escalation of Complaints 

If a complaint cannot be resolved through the usual process, it will be referred to a member of the management team. The customer will be informed and given an amended timeframe for resolution. 

Review of Compliments and Complaint Handling Policy and Procedures 

IT Managed Services Limited is committed to continuous improvement, and this policy will be reviewed regularly for effectiveness and updated as necessary. 

This compliments and complaint handling policy is supported by management. We are committed to providing this policy to all staff and making it available on our website. 


Revised: September 2024 

IT Managed is your IT department. We are an IT support and managed security services provider based in North West England. We provide outsourced services to businesses throughout the UK.


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Compliments and Complaint Handling Policy